Understand your users and supercharge your startup's growth

Enrich your user data with detailed profiles from over 20 million companies worldwide. Create hyper-personalized marketing emails, shorten signup forms, and discover who your best users are.

Access over 15 essential company attributes

Company Name
Year Founded
NAICS Industry Codes
Industry Group
Country Code
Employee Count
Company Type
Website Domain

Create hyper-personalized emails and increase customer engagement

Double your marketing campaign click-through rate by sending personalized marketing emails using attributes like user industry, company location, estimated revenue, and more.

Discover which user segments drive retention

Use Seethrough to segment your users and discover which groups are sticking with your product the longest. Analyze retention and feature use across any of Seethrough's 15+ attributes to effectively focus your efforts and make informed decisions.

Privacy First

Seethrough does not index any personally identifiable information about users and does not engage in the purchase or sale of our company records to data brokers. All data is collected from publicly available sources on the internet, further enriched with LLMs, normalized against a reliable schema, then made available to our customers.

No sales pitch necessary

Most B2B data enrichment platforms demand a lengthy sales and negotiation process process, only for you to find out their pricing isn't reasonable for your business. At launch, Seethrough will have a pricing structure friendly to small, early stage startups and bootstrapped founders.

Enrich over and over

Enrich a company contact with Seethrough and pay just once—no repeat charges, ever. Enjoy the peace of mind of not facing unexpected bills, whether you’re backfilling historical data or enriching new contacts on demand.

Autofill forms, decrease friction, and improve conversion rates

Enrich the users of your B2B product against 15+ up-to-date company attributes as soon as they sign up. Improve your signup conversion rates by lowering friction. Ask fewer questions and pre-populate fields like employee count and industry.


Simple pricing designed with startups in mind


Perfect for bootstrapped founders



per month

200 enrichments

$0.05 / enrichment

Get started


200 enrichments / month

Unlimited re-enrichment

15+ attributes available

Email support


For growing startups



per month

1000 enrichments

$0.03 / enrichment

Get started


1000 enrichments / month

Unlimited re-enrichment

15+ attributes available

Custom integrations

Email support